"Michelle Obama Don't Like Salt"

My job affords me the opportunity to travel around to different schools in the county to meet with children who qualify for a Medicaid-funded program.  In this role, I get to meet teachers, students, and counselors from the area while playing with kids all day-- once, at an elementary school, I spent two days coloring with K-4 kids.  It was a blast.  But, in addition to being fun, I also have the opportunity to experience America's public school system on a first-hand basis.  I could spend HOURS talking about how ridiculous everything in public school is-- standardized testing, linking test scores to teacher pay, the incredible role poverty plays in the classroom.  But, I'm not going to do that because it is depressing.

There are hilarious things that happen to me on a daily basis.  Once, I wore brand new shoes to school and as I was walking across the incredibly crowded lunchroom I slipped on a canned pear and did everything I could to remain upright as I skidded across the linoleum floor on one leg in front of 100 first graders.  I like to think I looked like someone from the Matrix.  I'm sure it's on camera somewhere, but I prefer to recall my version of events instead of seeing myself in reality.  I've been sneezed on, coughed on, and given a gummy bear by a grubby handed kindergartner that I actually chose to eat (rolled the dice during flu season and won... Winning!) 

Anyway, my favorite day at school occurred in a small town about 15 minutes away from our house.  It was lunchtime, and I needed some salt to add flavor to my avocado and sweet potato.  I walked into the lunchroom and approached a table of teachers.  I smiled, said hello, then asked "Do you know where the salt and pepper packets are?  Are they near the napkins?"  Everyone stared blankly at me (see previous post about the Appalachian Stare).  Eventually, a heavy-set woman looked me square in the eyes and said "There ain't no salt here.  Michelle Obama don't like salt."

In my experiences working in the local school system, I have heard numerous negative comments about Michelle Obama's healthy school lunch program.  When I first started this position in 2013, the big argument was against whole-wheat buns on the sub-standard "beef" patties they tried to pass off as hamburgers.  People were irate (about the whole-wheat buns, not the sub-standard "meat").  There were complaints about the requirement to provide vegetables on every lunch tray. (I tried to point out that yes, corn grows from the earth but is widely accepted as a grain and therefore doesn't really fit the requirement.  I was met with the Appalachian Stare.)  It is a constant topic of conversation, wistful wishes for "the way it was".  The way they talk, you'd think the kids were getting gourmet meals each day.  But in reality, they just want white flour to make the biscuits because they taste better with sausage gravy than biscuits made with whole-wheat flour.  I always joke that school lunch trays are basically a "Carbohydrate Delight".  On a typical day, any school-aged child has the opportunity to eat whole wheat breadsticks stuffed with cheese or popcorn chicken with a wheat roll, a "leafy green salad", canned corn, and some type of fruit.  Other favorites include mini-corndogs, Chicken Fryz, or Grilled Cheese.  I don't even understand how these "meals" qualify under the USDA My Plate guidelines.  Needless to say, I pack my lunch.

So this brings me back to that day when I just needed some salt to liven up my veggies.  "Michelle Obama don't like salt" rang in my ears.  And I couldn't help myself.  I pulled myself up to my full 5'5" frame, squared my shoulders, and while looking that woman right in the eye I smiled and replied, "Well, I'm sure that what's being served here isn't exactly what she had in mind either."  Then I turned and walked out of the lunchroom.

Why was I so annoyed with this experience?  I hope it's obvious.  But in case it's not, I just want to clear up the fact that Michelle Obama probably doesn't give a sh... care about someone putting salt on an avocado (because honestly, that's the only way to eat an avocado-- salt and pepper... lemon juice if I'm feeling really fancy.)  The school lunch program is all about reducing the amount of crappy processed foods that our school children are eating while under the care of the government 8 hours a day.  It's about teaching kids that vegetables actually do not start off in cans, that ground beef should not be 50 shades of gray, and that food should heal your body, not cause you to have life-changing illnesses like Type 2 Diabetes.  When the FLOTUS wants Americans to be healthier, why is there push back?  In my opinion, it's because there is not a public enough connection between food and health.  Sure, I might know that eating an entire box of Ho-Ho's will cause my blood sugar to spike, impacting my insulin levels and pancreas function... I understand that there's a huge difference between coconut oil and canola oil and the effects each has on my body... I spend a lot of time researching how food can be my medicine and how medicine can be my food (Hippocrates), but apparently, that's not common knowledge.  Look at the rate of obesity in America (36.5% in adults, and 1 in 5 children), and in SWVA, the rate of diabetes is 13%, which is higher than both the rest of the Commonwealth and nation. 

We live in a world where a person can go to any fast food restaurant and order a sandwich, "chicken" nuggets, french fries, a dessert (cookie, apple pie, sundae), and a drink for $5.  Shocked?  Check out the offerings at McDonald's, Wendy's, Hardee's, or Dairy Queen.  Meanwhile, sometimes I spend $5 on 4 avocados.  In my opinion, the school lunch program is a drop in the bucket when it comes to promoting healthy eating.  Do I believe children and families should be encouraged to select healthy food options?  Absolutely, and in addition to that, they should also be provided with the intel that directly links food to health in a way that makes them want to make the right choices.  But while the FDA and fast food chains are in bed with the government, real change is unlikely to happen. 

Until then... I just don't know.  And now, seated at the helm of this country is a man whose preferred diet includes 2 Big Macs, 2 Filet-o-Fish sandwiches, and a chocolate milkshake.  Without the buns, of course, because the carbs are the real enemy in that meal. 

So back to that day at school... I suffered through an under-seasoned avocado after sassing an unsuspecting woman who was just trying to enjoy her Carbohydrate Delight and Diet Coke for lunch.  I don't feel bad about it. 


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